

Sealed with a KISS 之系统生物学
1.       接吻会影响到双方的口腔微环境,有荷兰学者发明了Kiss-o-meter,可以检测不同的接吻方式引起的双方口腔菌群的传递数量。2014年MicroBiome上发表的文章“Shaping the oral microbiota through intimate kissing”一文检测了21对情侣的口腔微生物菌群“the effects of intimate kissing on the oral microbiota of 21 couples by self-administered questionnaires about their past kissing behavior and by the evaluation of tongue and salivary microbiota samples in a controlled kissing experiment.”,结果显示一次10秒钟的法式长吻可给被亲吻着转移8000万的细菌: the probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium marker bacteria in most kiss receivers, corresponding to an average total bacterial transfer of 80 million bacteria per intimate kiss of 10 s.
2.       接吻的起源和进化有坚实的神经生理学基础。2012年发表在Behavior杂志的“ The neurophysiological basis of origin and evolution of romantic kiss in humans”一文探讨了关于接吻是一种本能的还是获得性的行为,同时指出接吻会引发一连串的神经信号传导通路,引发大脑里好几种神经化学分子的释放(主要包括催产素和多巴胺),从而影响人的所想所感。Kissing is found to trigger a cascade of neural reactions associated with release of several neurochemicals (mainly oxytocin and dopamine) in the brain that contribute to the various emotions associated with it.
3.       接吻和医疗大数据:可以把接吻按照时间轴,以及不同的接吻方法,强度和时长,不同年龄以及不同的文化背景下的人群,在接吻时的心率血压等的变化,激素水平的变化,大脑活动区域的变化,还有口腔微环境的变化。以后人们除了有DNA fingerprint, 还有Kiss-o-print. One study found that 66 percent of women and 59 percent of men say that the quality of the first kiss can kill a relationship. 看来,以后有可能通过接吻就可以解码对方的秘密,合不合适一吻就知道。
1. It boosts your immune system
2. It reduces anxiety
3. It lowers blood pressure
4. It’s a workout for the face muscles
5. It’s good for your dental hygiene
6. It helps you find the right partner
7. It strengthens your relationship
写这些的时候,想起来在大学的实验室有个同事姓Kiss, 比姓Husband还尴尬, 都可以套用那条Don’t troubletrouble till trouble troubles you: Don’t kiss Kiss till Kiss kisses you[偷笑]
