

They will tell you, my love, than what I told you.

I lived in the prairies before I got to know you and I did not wait love but I was laying in wait for and I jumped on the rose.

What more can they tell you?

I am neither good nor bad but a man,and they will then associate the danger of my life, which you know and which with your passion you shared.

And good, this danger is danger of love, of complete love

for all life,

for all lives,

and if this love brings us

the death and the prisons,

I am sure that your big eyes, as when I kiss them,will then close with pride,

into double pride, love with your pride and my pride.

But to my ears they will come before to wear down the tour of the sweet and hard love which binds us,and they will say:

“The one you love,is not a woman for you,

Why do you love her? I think you could find one more beautiful, more serious, more deep, more other, you understand me, look how she’s light,

and what a head she has,

and look at how she dresses,

and etcetera and etcetera”.

And I in these lines say:

Like this I want you, love,

love, Like this I love you, as you dress

and how your hair lifts up

and how your mouth smiles, light as the water of the spring upon the pure stones,

Like this I love you, beloved.

To bread I do not ask to teach me

but only not to lack during every day of life.

I don’t know anything about light, from where

it comes nor where it goes,

I only want the light to light up,

I do not ask to the night explanations,

I wait for it and it envelops me,

And so you, bread and light

And shadow are.

You came to my life

with what you were bringing,

made of light and bread and shadow I expected you, and Like this I need you,

Like this I love you, and to those who want to hear tomorrow

that which I will not tell them, let them read it here, and let them back off today because it is early for these arguments.

Tomorrow we will only give them

a leaf of the tree of our love, a leaf

which will fall on the earth

like if it had been made by our lips

like a kiss which falls

from our invincible heights

to show the fire and the tenderness

of a true love.

他们所传言的我, 我的爱人, 不会比我所告诉你的更加糟糕。 在认识你之前, 我曾经居住在大草原。 那时候我从未等待爱情, 玫瑰一经出现,我便热烈地追求。 他们还能告诉你什么? 我不好也不坏,就是个男人。 他们会提到我生活中的危险 这些危险你都知道 而且你以热情与我共同分担。 为了瓦解 我们之间甜蜜坚定的爱, 他们会在我耳边 唠叨说: “你爱的这个女人 与你不般配, 你为什么要爱她? 你应该找个更美丽, 更认真,更深刻, 或者更别的什么的女人,总之你明白的。 你看她多瘦弱, 多么愚昧, 多么不会着装, 等等,等等 而我要郑重地宣告: 我是如此地需要你,我的爱人, 我是如此地爱你,我的爱人。 你带着你的真实 来到我生命当中, 是我期望的 光线,面包和黑夜。 我就爱这样的你, 如果有人想听我说这些 将来我不会再说,今天就听好, 而且我要让他们退到一边 因为与他们争论还为时尚早。 将来我们会让他们瞥见 我们爱情大树的一叶。 那叶子飘落大地, 如同一个深吻 自我们不可战胜的爱情高峰 飘然落地, 它将见证挚爱的火热和温柔。

  • 本来原计划的八月书单无缘无故的被一本言情扰乱了~无意看到~却无意中击中了老夫埋藏多年的少女心。

  • 和很多言情一样~公主和王子最后很开心的一起过上了美好的生活~本来也打算用最快速的时间看完~但是看到18章的标题


  • 看到了文中那位喜欢了很久的诗人Poblo~决定好好地看一下~也正是他,我才写这篇书评~作为一个单身年轻女生,爱情对于我来说,应该很是憧憬~希望自己能够想童话里的公主一样~有王子相伴~可是事实残酷~我已经习惯了自己一个人生活~在别人眼里,我就是一个不怕暴雨雷电的女超人~但我也希望真的有一个人对我说

『        This is my vow.All my life.I will always love you            

