《The quick&easy way to effective speaking(演讲与口才)(英文版)》读后感_2100字_读后感大全

《The quick&easy way to effective speaking(演讲与口才)(英文版)》读后感2100字

纪啃完的第一本英文原著书卡耐基的《The quick&easy way to effective speaking》




  • When he is unable to say clearly what he means, through either nervousness, timidity, or foggy thought-processes, his personality is blocked off, dimmed out, and misunderstand. Business, social, and personal satisfaction depend heavily upon a person’s ability to communicate clearly to his fellow what he is, what he desires, and what he believes in.


  • Try your best to develop an ability to let others look into your head and heart. Learn to make your thoughts, your ideas, clear to others, individually, in groups, in public.


  • By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives.

通过改变我们的想法,我们能改变自己的人生。这里让我想到盗梦空间那句“A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.”人类一个简单的念头可以创造城市。一个念头可以改变世界。

  • You will never know what progress you can make unless you speak, and speak, and speak again. Training would prove to be one of the best methods ever yet devised to help people eliminate their fears and feelings of inferiority. Fear is misbegotten of ignorance and uncertainty.To make the fearful situation simple and easy: practice, practice, practice.Do things you always fear then get rid of them. Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.


  • Do not memorize speech text by rote, if our ideas are clear, the words comes as naturally and unconsciously as the air we breathe. Here is a surefire method that is easy and effective. Use the ideas you have selected for your talk in everyday conversation with your friends and business associates.


  • Always prepare so that you are ready for any emergency



  • ldigging deep into your mind and heart and bringing forth some of the essential convictions that life has stored there.


  • if someone stood up and directly opposed your point of view, would you be impelled to speak with conviction and earnestness in defense of your position? If you would, you have the right subject for you.


  • You must limit and select before you begin, narrow your subject down to an area that will fit the time at your disposal.

In a short talk, less than five minutes in duration, all you can expect is to get one or two main points across. In a longer talk, up to thirty minutes, few speakers ever succeed if they try to cover more than four or five main ideas.



  • In the Art of Readable Writing,Rudolf Flesch begins one of his chapters with this sentence: “Only stories are really readable.”

There are five ways of doing this: Humanize, Personalize, Specify, Dramatize, and Visualize.


  • Psychologists tell us that more than eighty-five per cent of our knowledge comes to us through visual impressions.One of the best ways to enrich a talk with detail is to incorporate visual demonstration into it.


  • Learn more and more about what you now consider a pretty good topic. The more you know about something the more earnest and excitedly enthusiastic you will become.Go out on the square and look at them, feed them, go to the library and read about them, then come back here and talk about them.” The more you know about something the more earnest and excitedly enthusiastic you will become.


  • Start your talk by giving us the details of your Example, an incident that graphically illustrates the main idea you wish to get across.There are other ways of building up an example, for instance, by using exhibits, giving a demonstration, quoting authorities, making comparisons, and citing statistics.diagrams are more convincing than mere words, and pictures are more convincing than diagrams.


  • lf you would impress an audience, be impressed yourself. Your spirit, shining through your eyes, radiating through your voice, and proclaiming itself through your manner, will communicate itself to your audience.








  • The ability to assemble ones thoughts and to speak on the spur of the moment is even more important, in some ways, than the ability to speak only after lengthy and laborious preparation.








  • 开头介绍TIS公式:

T-Topic 在介绍开头部分准确说出演讲者的题目。

I-Importance 将题目与听众联系起来,引起听众兴趣。

S-Speaker 你需要列出演讲者的杰出成就,特别是那些与此时演讲主题相关的内容。最后,清楚说出他的名字。
